
Max R. P. Grossmann

Hi. I am a doctoral candidate in economics and lab manager at the University of Cologne, focusing on experimental political economy and computational methods. My research examines paternalism, rule-making, and policy support using choice architecture experiments and surveys. I develop open-source tools that integrate large language models into experiments and other software to expand the methodological boundaries of economic research.

Selected work-in-progress

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Reproducibility in Management Science
    by Fišar, M., et al. (consortium co-authorship)
    Management Science, 2024
    View paper
  2. z-Tree unleashed: A novel client-integrating architecture for conducting z-Tree experiments over the Internet
    with Duch, M. L. & Lauer, T.
    Journal of Behavioral and Economic Finance, 2020
    View paper
WiSo Workplace Video


I manage the Cologne Laboratory for Economic Research, one of the largest experimental economics laboratories. I was an Oskar Morgenstern Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. I am a globally experienced professional, having taken part in numerous seminars, conferences, research visits and summer schools abroad.


Among other things, I developed otree_slider and alter_ego.

